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Optimizing Agriculture Production Through Real-Time Air Quality Insights

Increase efficiency, profitability and safety across your production operations with IEQmax’s advanced
air monitoring and analytics

Invisible Threats, Tangible Consequences

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has significant impact on animal and human welfare and operational expenses.
Heart pulse icon

Animal and
Worker Welfare

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Gases, chemicals, and particulates in air affect safety and productivity
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Animal and worker health significantly impact profitability
Dollar icon


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Manual data collection and testing is labor intensive and insufficient
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Too much data slows down effective decision making
Warning icon

Prevention vs

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Reacting to air quality issues after harm has occurred is expensive
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Lack of real-time data makes managers operationally blind
Learn More

IEQmax Delivers Unprecedented Operational Clarity Over Your Agriculture Environment

Comprehensive Continuous Air Quality Monitoring and Analytics within Departments and Across Operations





IEQmax Drives Efficiencies, Safety and
Comfort Across Healthcare Operations

Detecttion icon
Right arrow
Data Management icon
Data Management
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AI icon
Right arrow
Effective Action icon
Effective Action

What’s Measured:

Temperature / Humidity
Particulate Matter
Bioaerosols / Airbone Pathogens
Toxic / Irritant Gases
Chemicals / Disinfection Agents
Data Analytics
IEQMax application displaying the location page

IEQmax Drives Efficiencies And Profitability Across Production Environments

Clock icon

Management Efficiency

IEQMax light icon
Automate data capture and reduce manual testing
IEQMax light icon
Simplify Inspections
IEQMax light icon
Minimize non-compliance
issues and associated costs
Virus icon

Welfare and Safety

IEQMax icon
Real-time knowledge of rising air quality risk allows for early remediation
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Air quality tracking supports consistent animal comfort
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Minimize animal illness and reduce wellness management costs
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Provide an environment where workers feel safe and confident
Sustainability icon


IEQMax icon
Optimize humidification, fan and HVAC operations
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Optimize energy and resource use
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Standardize and optimize cleaning and disinfection

Intelligence at your fingertips
for better decision making

A screenshot of IEQMax air quality monitoring app on a cellphone.

Continuous and Comprehensive Monitoring

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Air quality data uploaded to the cloud every 60 seconds
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Track one or hundreds of monitors installed across an enterprise
A screenshot of a hospital map 
in IEQMax app on a smartphone.

Air Quality Mapping

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Analyze historical and real-time data across an operation or enterprise
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Overlay operations, animal health and environmental data
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Identify recurring trends and seasonal issues
A screenshot of the IEQMax app on a smartphone. The app displays indoor air quality readings for various pollutants.

Automated Data Analytics and Reporting

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Access real-time and trend data
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Querry by air substance, time frame and location
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Pull reports and download selected data into CSV files
A screenshot of the IEQMax app on a smartphone. The app displays air quality readings for a location called "Fitzsimmons Main Hospital, Floor: 1".

Customized Management

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Thresholds: Establish risk levels by department or area
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Data Access: Provide data on a need to know, need to manage basis
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Notifications: Adjust text and email notifications settings by employee
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Analytics: Set “Time out of Range” to drive notifications
Learn More

Maintain superior IAQ Standards effortlessly

Empower your facility with seamless compliance and enhanced safety with IEQmax’s air quality monitoring platform.
Schedule A Demo


What specific air substances does IEQmax monitor?

How do the IEQmax mobile platform and online dashboard differ?

How real-time is IEQmax monitoring?

Is IEQmax difficult to install and maintain?

How does IEQmax keep customer IAQ data secure and private?